UX Designer/Product Designer


This feature update for Credentials changed the application so that instead of creating an application on a game by game basis, the applications will be created by series (sets of 2-3 games).  


Selecting Games

In this update, now when applying for passes to regular season games, all games will be a part of a series, once you select a series you can select which specific games you wish to add to the application.


Selecting Members

Updates to the select members page adds indicators for what members have been assigned to the games within the series selected. as well as a “remove all” button as requested by a number of users.


Selecting Coverage

The Select Coverage step will be added to the application process, this will allow Affiliate managers the ability to select what members will attend which games within a series. This will eliminates the need for multiple applications per series.


Approving Applications

For the team PR managers, the process will remain very familiar.  With the largest change to the UI being a game selector as a dropdown in the header of the event approval page.  Additionally, for each member, there will now be the option to view and edit their coverage based on the needs of the team PR manager


Printing and Scanning

Similar to the Approvals page, the game selector will also be added to the printing and scanning pages for the series.


Badge creation

In addition to adding the ability for the system to place multiple dates on a badge, we also added more granular controls for placing data on badges, allowing for the ability to select the specific position of elements as well as the alignment of the data within the elements.