UX Designer/Product Designer
Mobile Scanning.png

MLB Mobile Scanning

MLB’s Mobile scanning app is the companion iPhone application for scanning the barcodes on the badges created in the Credentials application. It is used by all clubs and is a part of their overall stadium security. This update to the application is the first major update since the launch of the credentials system.


Per device scanning history

We have updated the device history to not only show the photo of the last scanned.  Additionally, when tapping the last scanned section, security personnel can view a full scanning history for that device.


Improved admin section

The admin section has been overhauled to be more clearly organized and easily accessible so that Admin users can easily troubleshoot scanning devices on the spot.


Easier Syncing

The sync status and syncing button has been moved from out of the admin section.  To ensure the sync status is known the button will turn red and all scans (even the checked-in status) will show a placeholder photo when the app is not synced to the database.  Scanners will still be able to scan in badges.  However, there just won’t be any updates pushed to the devices from the central database.


New Denied Statuses

With the changes to Credentials for the apply by series feature we needed to add some additional scan statuses.  “Denied (Game)” and  “Denied (location)” statuses have been added so that security personnel knows more information about why a badge has been denied.  When the badge holder has access to a different event within the same series they will now receive the “Denied (game)” status. And when they have access to the game just not to the location they are attempting to be scanned they will receive the “Denied (location)” status.

Case Study Coming soon…